Practice 10/30
Finished Chapter 8 in my review book.
Did these quizzes:
http://www.manythings.org/japanese/vocabulary/jlpt4-adj.html (91%)
http://www.manythings.org/japanese/vocabulary/jlpt4.html (100%, 105 kanji done)
Did these quizzes:
http://www.manythings.org/japanese/vocabulary/jlpt4-adj.html (91%)
http://www.manythings.org/japanese/vocabulary/jlpt4.html (100%, 105 kanji done)
daily practice,
Practice 10/29
About 45-50 minutes of practice. Did this entire matching quiz:
N4 Matching Quiz
I scored 99%, but only one really "wrong" - where I didn't know the kanji. The problem is sometimes you'll get "why?" and "why?" for possible answers, plus 度して and なぜ, for example. Or when I got "word, speech" and "word, speech" and both ~語 and 言葉 and chose the "wrong" one. Annoying, since the error is merely matching the wrong kanji to the wrong slot, even if it's the exact same definition in two spots.
Good practice, though.
N4 Matching Quiz
I scored 99%, but only one really "wrong" - where I didn't know the kanji. The problem is sometimes you'll get "why?" and "why?" for possible answers, plus 度して and なぜ, for example. Or when I got "word, speech" and "word, speech" and both ~語 and 言葉 and chose the "wrong" one. Annoying, since the error is merely matching the wrong kanji to the wrong slot, even if it's the exact same definition in two spots.
Good practice, though.
daily practice,
Practice 10/28
Did a practice quiz in my review book (10/10).
Did this quiz for part of my practice:
JLPT Level 4 Vocabulary List
Quiz Score: 96% (349 / 363)
Correct: 350 Wrong: 14
Game Points: 16683 (out of a possible 18200)
Total Time: 1495 sec. (approx. 24.9 min.)
You have only a few seconds to pick the correct answer - which occasionally pressured me to the wrong answer as I didn't have time to read them all. Not usre if this is good or bad - I can't get it to tell me the list of wrong answers, so next time I need to write down the ones I missed even if it means stopping.
Did this quiz for part of my practice:
JLPT Level 4 Vocabulary List
Quiz Score: 96% (349 / 363)
Correct: 350 Wrong: 14
Game Points: 16683 (out of a possible 18200)
Total Time: 1495 sec. (approx. 24.9 min.)
You have only a few seconds to pick the correct answer - which occasionally pressured me to the wrong answer as I didn't have time to read them all. Not usre if this is good or bad - I can't get it to tell me the list of wrong answers, so next time I need to write down the ones I missed even if it means stopping.
daily practice,
Practice 10/26
Reviewed Kanji 1-34 today. Read some of my practice book.
Next time through the kanji I will double up on the problem kanji, and then on problem compounds.
Next time through the kanji I will double up on the problem kanji, and then on problem compounds.
Practice 10/25
30 minutes of kanji review. 65-34, twice through. No forgotten kanji, although I never remember 最後.
Practice 10/22
Read half a chapter of my practice book.
Reviewed 20 kanji.
140 問 もん
129 勉 べん
127 別 べつ
Reviewed 20 kanji.
140 問 もん
129 勉 べん
127 別 べつ
Practice 10/21
30 minutes
157 室 しつ
151 太 ふと
Did the Psrt One test. 48/50 = 96%. Not happy with getting two of those wrong, especially since I was sure one was right and only unsure about the other.
157 室 しつ
151 太 ふと
Did the Psrt One test. 48/50 = 96%. Not happy with getting two of those wrong, especially since I was sure one was right and only unsure about the other.
Practice 10/19
30 minutes, broken into parts thanks to an odd schedule.
199 業 ぎょう
191 暗 くら
Later did some reading in my textbook.
199 業 ぎょう
191 暗 くら
Later did some reading in my textbook.
Practice 10/18
30 minutes of kanji review.
219 用 よう
218 産 セン
215 特 とく
209 洋 よう
206 民 みん
Bonus 漢字:
侍 さむらい samurai
219 用 よう
218 産 セン
215 特 とく
209 洋 よう
206 民 みん
Bonus 漢字:
侍 さむらい samurai
Practice 10/17
Reviewed 20 kanji, and read most of a chapter in my 復習の本.
235 答 こたえ
234 究 きゅう
230 短 みじかい
225 発 ぱつ
235 答 こたえ
234 究 きゅう
230 短 みじかい
225 発 ぱつ
Practice 10/16
263 運 うん
262 進 すす
261 通 とお
258 軽 けい
255 走 はし
251 説 せつ
Chapter 4 quiz in my book - 10/10. Reviewed ある/いる and には
263 運 うん
262 進 すす
261 通 とお
258 軽 けい
255 走 はし
251 説 せつ
Chapter 4 quiz in my book - 10/10. Reviewed ある/いる and には
Practice 10/15
Done with my 284-kanji set, so I reviewed 284-265.
276 題
272 集
270 集
266 重
265 都 (I often confuse it with 部)
Read more of my review book - most of the way through chapter 4.
276 題
272 集
270 集
266 重
265 都 (I often confuse it with 部)
Read more of my review book - most of the way through chapter 4.
Practice 10/14
北 きた North
前 ぜん before
分 ぶん understand/divide
出 で leave
円 まる circle
六 む six
八 や eight
入 にゅう enter
先 さき before
何 か what
会 かい meeting
休 きゅう rest
今 こん now
人 ひと person
五 いつ five
二 ふた two
九 ここの nine
中 なか inside
下 した below
上 うえ above
三 み three
万 まん 10,000
七 しち seven
一 いち one
北 きた North
前 ぜん before
分 ぶん understand/divide
出 で leave
円 まる circle
六 む six
八 や eight
入 にゅう enter
先 さき before
何 か what
会 かい meeting
休 きゅう rest
今 こん now
人 ひと person
五 いつ five
二 ふた two
九 ここの nine
中 なか inside
下 した below
上 うえ above
三 み three
万 まん 10,000
七 しち seven
一 いち one
Practice 10/13
学 まな study/school
子 こ child
女 おんあ woman
天 てん heaven
大 だい big
多 た many
外 そと outside
土 つち earth
国 くに country
四 よん four
名 めい name/fame
右 みぎ right
古 ふる old
口 くち mouth
友 とも friend
南 みなみ South
半 はん half
午 ご noon
千 せん thousand
十 じゅう ten
Chapter 3 のテストも出来た。10/10点出来た。
学 まな study/school
子 こ child
女 おんあ woman
天 てん heaven
大 だい big
多 た many
外 そと outside
土 つち earth
国 くに country
四 よん four
名 めい name/fame
右 みぎ right
古 ふる old
口 くち mouth
友 とも friend
南 みなみ South
半 はん half
午 ご noon
千 せん thousand
十 じゅう ten
Chapter 3 のテストも出来た。10/10点出来た。
Practice 10/12
Kanji 64-45
校 こう school
東 とう East
来 らい next/come
本 ほん book/real
木 き tree
月 つき moon/month
書 しょ write
時 じ time
日 に sun
新 しん new
手 て hand
後 あと after
店 てん shop
年 とし year
左 せ left
川 かわ river
山 やま mountain
少 すく few
小 しょう small
安 あん at ease
Kanji 64-45
校 こう school
東 とう East
来 らい next/come
本 ほん book/real
木 き tree
月 つき moon/month
書 しょ write
時 じ time
日 に sun
新 しん new
手 て hand
後 あと after
店 てん shop
年 とし year
左 せ left
川 かわ river
山 やま mountain
少 すく few
小 しょう small
安 あん at ease
Practice 10/11
30 minutes practice today, slightly broken up.
30 easy kanji today - I set it up so they get easier as I go.
見 けん see
西 せい West
行 こう go
花 はな flower
聞 ぶん hear
耳 みみ ear
立 りつ stand
空 くう sky
社 しゃ social
目 もく eye
百 ひゃく 100
白 はく white
男 だん man
生 せい life
父 ふ father
火 か fire
水 すい water
気 き mood
毎 まい every
母 ぼ mother
30 easy kanji today - I set it up so they get easier as I go.
見 けん see
西 せい West
行 こう go
花 はな flower
聞 ぶん hear
耳 みみ ear
立 りつ stand
空 くう sky
社 しゃ social
目 もく eye
百 ひゃく 100
白 はく white
男 だん man
生 せい life
父 ふ father
火 か fire
水 すい water
気 き mood
毎 まい every
母 ぼ mother
Practice 10/10
Kanji 104-85. 簡単な漢字で、よかった。
不 ふ not/bad
魚 ぎょう fish
高 こう tall
駅 えき station
飲 いん drink
食 しょく eat
電 でん electric
雨 あめ rain
間 ま between
長 ちょう long
金 きん gold
道 どう road
週 しゅう week
車 しゃ vehicle
足 あし foot/leg
買 ばい sell
読 どく read
語 かた word
話 わ speak
言 げん say
Also did the test for Chapter 2 in my book (10 for 10) and started in a bit on chapter 3. It's very easy review, but practice is practice and it's all stuff that is on the test.
Practice 10/9
124 - 105
写 しゃ duplicate
光 ひか shine
兄 あに older brother
元 げん origin
働 どう work
借 かり borrow
便 べん convenient
使 つか use
作 つく make
体 たい body
住 すむ live
低 ひく short
以 い starting point
代 かわ substitute
仕 し serve
京 きょう capital
事 こと thing
乗 の ride
主 しゅ master
世 せ world
Re-read chapter 1 and 2 of Japanese Demystified.
Practice 10/8
Another 30 minutes of kanji practice today.
堂 どう hall
地 ち earth
図 ず diagram
回 かい turn
問 もん question
員 いん worker
品 ひん goods
味 あじ flavor
同 どう same
合 あ combine
台 だい stand
去 きょ go away
医 い doctor
区 く ward
動 どう move
勉 べん make effort
力 りょく power
別 べつ separate
切 せつ cut
冬 ふゆ winter
Also did all of the written sample questions here:
堂 どう hall
地 ち earth
図 ず diagram
回 かい turn
問 もん question
員 いん worker
品 ひん goods
味 あじ flavor
同 どう same
合 あ combine
台 だい stand
去 きょ go away
医 い doctor
区 く ward
動 どう move
勉 べん make effort
力 りょく power
別 べつ separate
切 せつ cut
冬 ふゆ winter
Also did all of the written sample questions here:
daily practice,
Practice 10/7
Kanji 165-145
広 こう wide
帰 かえ return
市 し city
工 こう construction
屋 や shop
寒 さむ cold
家 いえ house
室 しつ room
字 じ character
始 はじ start
姉 あね older sister
妹 いもうと younger sister
好 こう like
太 ふと big/thick
夜 よる night
夕 ゆ evening
夏 なつ Summer
売 ばい sell
声 こえ voice
場 ば place
Did 15 minutes twice, and then 20 more minutes. Didn't really have time to spend 30 minutes straight, but this was close enough. Got through the kanji 3 times over those three times.
I order a book from the library and it came in, so tomorrow I'll pick it up and start to mix in a chapter a day from that book as grammar practice.
Practice 10/6
30 minutes of kanji practice, including reviewing yesterday's characters.
族 ぞく family
旅 りょ travel
方 かた way of
料 りょう materials
文 ぶん letter/writing
教 おし teach
持 も have
所 ところ place
意 い mind
悪 あく bad
急 いそ hurry
思 おも think
心 しん heart
待 ま wait
強 つよ strong
弱 よわ weak
弟 おとうと younger brother
引 ひ pull
建 た build
度 ど degree/time
Hard to concentrate because a neighborhood kid was screaming for the entire time, as loud as can be. I'll need to re-review these because it was pretty distracting.
族 ぞく family
旅 りょ travel
方 かた way of
料 りょう materials
文 ぶん letter/writing
教 おし teach
持 も have
所 ところ place
意 い mind
悪 あく bad
急 いそ hurry
思 おも think
心 しん heart
待 ま wait
強 つよ strong
弱 よわ weak
弟 おとうと younger brother
引 ひ pull
建 た build
度 ど degree/time
Hard to concentrate because a neighborhood kid was screaming for the entire time, as loud as can be. I'll need to re-review these because it was pretty distracting.
Practice 10/5
30 minutes of kanji practice today. No time to review, yet.
Kanji 204 - 185
歩 ある walk
正 しょう correct
止 と stop
歌 うた song
楽 がく fun
業 わざ business
森 もり forest
林 はやし forest
村 むら village
朝 あさ morning
服 ふく clothes
有 ゆう have/be
曜 よう day
暗 くら dark
暑 あつ hot
昼 ひる noon
春 はる Spring
映 えい reflect
明 あ bright
早 はや early
No time to get down all the meanings/pronunciations. I'll edit them in later (10/6, done)
Kanji 204 - 185
歩 ある walk
正 しょう correct
止 と stop
歌 うた song
楽 がく fun
業 わざ business
森 もり forest
林 はやし forest
村 むら village
朝 あさ morning
服 ふく clothes
有 ゆう have/be
曜 よう day
暗 くら dark
暑 あつ hot
昼 ひる noon
春 はる Spring
映 えい reflect
明 あ bright
早 はや early
No time to get down all the meanings/pronunciations. I'll edit them in later (10/6, done)
Practice 10/4
30 minutes of kanji today. 224-205
病 びょう sickness
界 かい world
画 が picture
町 まち town
田 た ricefield
用 よう use
産 さん give birth
理 り reason
犬 いぬ dog
特 とく special
物 もの thing
牛 ぎゅう cow
漢 かん Chinese
海 うみ sea
洗 せん wash
洋 よう ocean
注 ちゅう pay attention to
池 いけ pond
民 みん population
死 し death
And then I reviewed them once each.
病 びょう sickness
界 かい world
画 が picture
町 まち town
田 た ricefield
用 よう use
産 さん give birth
理 り reason
犬 いぬ dog
特 とく special
物 もの thing
牛 ぎゅう cow
漢 かん Chinese
海 うみ sea
洗 せん wash
洋 よう ocean
注 ちゅう pay attention to
池 いけ pond
民 みん population
死 し death
And then I reviewed them once each.
Practice 10/3
More kanji practice - reviewed my previous kanji at random, did not get through all of them.
Kanji practice - next 20, 244-225
英 えい English
色 いろ color
自 じ self
肉 にく flesh
者 しゃ person (忍者)
考 こう think
習 しゅう learn
終 しゅう end
紙 かみ paper
答 こた answer
究 きゅう investigate
秋 あき autumn
私 わたし I
研 けん grind
短 みじ short
知 し know
着 き wear
真 ま real/actual
県 けん province
発 はつ reveal
Then I went through them again quickly.
Bonus vocab:
悔しい くやしい (adj-i) vexing; annoying; frustrating; regrettable; mortifying;
Kanji practice - next 20, 244-225
英 えい English
色 いろ color
自 じ self
肉 にく flesh
者 しゃ person (忍者)
考 こう think
習 しゅう learn
終 しゅう end
紙 かみ paper
答 こた answer
究 きゅう investigate
秋 あき autumn
私 わたし I
研 けん grind
短 みじ short
知 し know
着 き wear
真 ま real/actual
県 けん province
発 はつ reveal
Then I went through them again quickly.
Bonus vocab:
悔しい くやしい (adj-i) vexing; annoying; frustrating; regrettable; mortifying;
Practice 10/2
30 minutes, not including a review of yesterday's kanji.
20 new kanji today, 245-264:
遠 とお distant/far
運 はこ transport/luck
進 すす advance
通 とお pass/commute
送 おく send
近 ちか near
軽 かる light
転 ころ・てん turn/rotate
起 お rise
走 はし run
赤 あか red
質 しつ quality/question
貸 かす lend
説 せつ explain
試 し test
計 けい plan/total
親 おや parent
薬 くすり medicine
菜 さい vegetables
茶 ちゃ tea
Did those once through, plus reviewed the 20 before. Total 40 down, 244 to go before my test Dec 1st.
20 new kanji today, 245-264:
遠 とお distant/far
運 はこ transport/luck
進 すす advance
通 とお pass/commute
送 おく send
近 ちか near
軽 かる light
転 ころ・てん turn/rotate
起 お rise
走 はし run
赤 あか red
質 しつ quality/question
貸 かす lend
説 せつ explain
試 し test
計 けい plan/total
親 おや parent
薬 くすり medicine
菜 さい vegetables
茶 ちゃ tea
Did those once through, plus reviewed the 20 before. Total 40 down, 244 to go before my test Dec 1st.
Practice 10/1
30 minutes of kanji practice.
I have 284 kanji in a flashcard set. My plan is to learn all of them. If want to review them all 3x before the test on December 1st, I need to practice at least 15 every day. To avoid crunch time, I'll simply do 20 a day for a while and start isolating the ones that give me difficulty for extra review.
The earlier ones tend to be the easier ones, so I'm studying backwards. Today was 284 - 265
黒 くろ black
鳥 とり bird
験 けん test
首 くび neck
館 かん hall
飯 めし cooked rice/meal
風 かぜ wind
顔 かお face
題 だい title/problem
頭 あたま head
音 おと sound
青 あお blue
集 あつ gather/collect
院 いん institution
開 ひら open
門 もん gate
銀 ぎん silver
野 や field
重 おも heavy, repeat, pile
都 みやこ metropolis (of Tokyo)
I'll review those as I have time for today.
I have 284 kanji in a flashcard set. My plan is to learn all of them. If want to review them all 3x before the test on December 1st, I need to practice at least 15 every day. To avoid crunch time, I'll simply do 20 a day for a while and start isolating the ones that give me difficulty for extra review.
The earlier ones tend to be the easier ones, so I'm studying backwards. Today was 284 - 265
黒 くろ black
鳥 とり bird
験 けん test
首 くび neck
館 かん hall
飯 めし cooked rice/meal
風 かぜ wind
顔 かお face
題 だい title/problem
頭 あたま head
音 おと sound
青 あお blue
集 あつ gather/collect
院 いん institution
開 ひら open
門 もん gate
銀 ぎん silver
野 や field
重 おも heavy, repeat, pile
都 みやこ metropolis (of Tokyo)
I'll review those as I have time for today.
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