
Practice 10/1

30 minutes of kanji practice.

I have 284 kanji in a flashcard set. My plan is to learn all of them. If want to review them all 3x before the test on December 1st, I need to practice at least 15 every day. To avoid crunch time, I'll simply do 20 a day for a while and start isolating the ones that give me difficulty for extra review.

The earlier ones tend to be the easier ones, so I'm studying backwards. Today was 284 - 265

黒 くろ black
鳥 とり bird
験 けん test
首 くび neck
館 かん hall
飯 めし cooked rice/meal
風 かぜ wind
顔 かお face
題 だい title/problem
頭 あたま head
音 おと sound
青 あお blue
集 あつ gather/collect
院 いん institution
開 ひら open
門 もん gate
銀 ぎん silver
野 や field
重 おも heavy, repeat, pile
都 みやこ metropolis (of Tokyo)

I'll review those as I have time for today.