
Practice 10/7

Kanji 165-145
広 こう wide
帰 かえ return
市 し city
工 こう construction
屋 や shop
寒 さむ cold
家 いえ house
室 しつ room
字 じ character
始 はじ start
姉 あね older sister
妹 いもうと younger sister
好 こう like
太 ふと big/thick
夜 よる night
夕 ゆ evening
夏 なつ Summer
売 ばい sell
声 こえ voice
場 ば place

Did 15 minutes twice, and then 20 more minutes. Didn't really have time to spend 30 minutes straight, but this was close enough. Got through the kanji 3 times over those three times.

I order a book from the library and it came in, so tomorrow I'll pick it up and start to mix in a chapter a day from that book as grammar practice.