
JLPT N4 Results

I checked my JLPT N4 results yesterday online.

I passed.

The scoring is hard to explain. The Pass/Fail numbers are here.

N4 scores you from 0-180, with 0-120 in written, 0-60 in listening. You must score 90+ points to pass, with a minimum of 38 from written and 19 in listening. Miss any of those three - 90+ total, 38 in written, 19 in listening - and you fail. One of my friends failed N2 by a couple of points despite getting an outstanding listening score, because of missing a minimum on one of the three sections of that test.

My scores were:

Written: 85/120
Listening: 38/60
Total: 123/180

Vocabulary: A
Grammar: A
Listening: A

A is 67% or more of the answers in that section were correct, clearly independent of points since I didn't get 67% of the points on listening.

Overall, I'm happy. I didn't do as badly as it felt on 12/1. But it's clear I need more work, and I'm glad I've been studying every day for N3.